Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn Compatibility

Plumbing the depths together, Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Capricorn take love very seriously indeed. This couple mates for life, forging a strong and durable commitment. There is an easy resonance in their water and earth union that creates an enduring chemistry between them. Though both are tenacious and sometimes stubborn, these shared qualities elicit a feeling of mutual respect.

Venus in Scorpio has an underworld magnetism that is hard to miss. Her laserbeam brand of love seeks out partners who are intense and ready to go the distance. Sexy and subtle, this watery mistress of love wants to know your secrets inside and out, though she herself will always keep something hidden. Trust and vulnerability are two of her greatest love themes, as she seeks to understand how to love fully and completely.

Mars in Capricorn (aka “Mr. Goatman”) is sexy in a reserved, earthy way. This Mars treats sex about as seriously as he does his taxes, and will devotes himself to making sure he’s done a superior job in the bedroom. This Mars woos his lovers by subtly showing off his hard work, success and drive, demonstrating that he is stable and able to commit for the long-term.

Venus in Scorpio is drawn to Mars in Capricorn’s quiet charms and is impressed by his dedication and focus. She finds it easy to trust him and is turned on by his down-to-earth approach to love. Mars in Capricorn thinks Venus in Scorpio is just plain hot, and he’ll do just about anything to get closer to her. He is drawn to her intense sexuality and depth in a way that he can’t even explain to himself.

This couple is able to easily come together in a harmonious, yet soulful connection that is both authentic and intimate.

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