This Is Why A Scorpio Is Impossible To Forget

"There is a reason why they are called Scorpio"

The most powerful of the zodiac sign, they strike fear in many. They are the sign you most definitely do not want to cross. They make the most loyal friend and the deadliest enemy. They do not believe in status quo and you either love or fear them.

Determined and geared for success, Scorpio has their eyes on the prize. They are focused in what they want and they will stop at nothing to achieve their aim. In love, once you made up their mind to be with you, they are adamant in their dedication to love you for eternity. Their affection is unwavering and they vow to cherish you during the peak of their success and in the wreck of tragedy.

They do not fall in love easily but once they do, you can be sure that every piece of their heart has your name on it. Every promise they uttered is intention that they ensure it will materialize.

When a Scorpio loves you, they won’t hide the depth of their feeling and they won’t mislead you with confusing actions. They establish their strong presence in all aspects of your life. Their feelings are built upon the sturdiest foundation of effort that nothing can deter them. They don’t allow any barrier to stand between what they love and they will stop at nothing to eliminate any perceived threat towards their relationship with you.

You slowly but surely find yourself falling for them.

In this superficial world of modern dating, they are the embodiment of what is real. In this era of instantaneous connection and fleeing attraction, they give you a love that endures and lasts. In this wildly unpredictable nature of love, they devote their full commitment to loving you with everything they have.

The thing about falling for a Scorpio is that you can be guaranteed that you’ll never be taken on a ride. They’re explicitly honest about their feelings and when they love you, you just know. 

[ads-post] Scorpio does not waste their time in anything casual. They only form bonds that are made to last. They love only when they’re ready not when they’re bored or lonely. They promise you their love only when they want to be together with you.

Love with them is not easy. They challenge every ounce of your patience and test your limitation to stretch your comfort zone. They tear down your walls and dismantle your guard getting straight into the heart of matter. They won’t stop asking and probing until you truly open up to them. They have no qualm in making you theirs- body and soul.

Love with them is not for the faint of heart. However, there is just something about them that makes you try. Something about their magnetic charm that has you hooked for more. Something dark and mysterious about them that you find irresistible and try as you may, you cannot draw away. Something about the way they love in the extremes that you wish you can be the object of their affection.

Their love is timeless and it transcends boundaries and circumstances. They just want to make you theirs and hold onto you tightly even if the world were to shatter right at this instance.

They will never let you go and honestly, you never want to let them go either. i