When Scorpio falls in love, their lover becomes their world

Behavior Is Influenced by an Emotional Nature

Scorpio is a water sign, and this element is known for its emotional nature. Water seeks its own level and can span across and cover large areas and hide a secret world below the surface. Water is a powerful element; it washes land away, puts out fires, and dissolves air.

When it comes to love, the water influence means Scorpios tend to:
  • Feel love quite deeply
  • Be introspective
  • Be emotionally driven
Behavior Is Influenced by a Fixed Nature

Scorpio's quadruplicity is within the fixed category. Fixed signs are the least movable of the quadruplicities. Fixed energy runs deep, hangs on, and does not give up. This explains why Scorpios tend to be extremely deep, introspective, and stubborn. If Scorpio were an earth sign, grounded earth energy combined with the fixed quadruplicity would translate into a very stable but stubborn individual. However, Scorpio is water, and when water is deep and does not flow, it can lead to stagnation, obsession, and deeply hidden emotions.

Hence, when Scorpios fall in love, that fixed nature means:
  • They feel love right down to their very core.
  • They want to control and become one with their beloved.
  • They want to feel all the pleasures and all the pain of love.
  • They want to immerse and lose themselves in that love, drown in it, and be transformed by it.
As you can imagine, the influences of the water element and the fixed quadruplicity combine to make most Scorpios very intense, passionate, and possessive, but also ferociously loyal and protective lovers.

Extreme Romantic Behavior

The ancient Greeks called love "the madness of the gods." Songwriters described it as, "Whenever you're near, I hear a symphony." Shakespeare said, "Love is blind, and lovers cannot see." Aristotle said, "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." Modern psychologists define it as "a strong desire for emotional union." Astrologers call this extreme romantic behavior Scorpio.

Scorpio + Aries - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Aries works best when the Scorpio doesn’t try and control the Aries through criticizing it or putting it down. The Aries needs inspiration, not anger.

Wow Factor:
Sex is wow, they both live for it. Raw, real and full of intensity, it doesn’t get better than this when it works. Passion is strong and the desire to conquer and dominate each other is present. If they can accept these intense feelings and use them in their sex play, then it all works. This combination tends to release inhibitions and ignite a fire that keeps burning. The real glue in this relationship is a shared vision and values, if this is present then the Wow factor goes up.

Be Aware:
If the heart is not involved there will be endless arguments and a struggle for power and control.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio loves the fire and the idealistic nature of the Aries. It sees the purity of its past; the trust and love of innocence. When they exhaust their passion and lie side by side satisfied and exposed, the Scorpio realizes how wonderful it is to be fragile, and open to love. The Aries divine trust in love inspires it to love again.

The Aries Lesson:
The Aries is amazed at the strength of the Scorpio in and out of the bedroom. No matter how vulnerable the moment, the Scorpio is in touch with its core instincts and awareness. The Aries learns that it has depleted its strength by having to be good and perfect and that it is through responding to all of oneself that we truly become strong enough to change others and the world.

Scorpio + Taurus - Works Best When:
Taurus plus Scorpio works best when desire doesn’t rule the relationship but adds pleasure and joy to it.

Wow Factor:
The strong sexual power of the Scorpio connects to the deep and unfulfilled desires of the Taurus and sparks fly. When it works, it’s fast and obsessive. Both the Taurus and the Scorpio work better when there is pressure and resistance to expressing their freedom and desires. The Taurus has mystery, the Scorpio is secretive, and when they meet they trigger their shared desire to possess each other. Sexually, they are similar, both are addicted to passion and intensity, to moodiness and changes. These two will either feel as if they share the same heartbeat or they will battle each other as if they were enemies and all the while still want to make love.

Be Aware:
If the need for power is too strong in the Scorpio and the need for love is too great within the Taurus, there will be a destructive clash rather than a positive transformation.

Taurus Lesson:
The Taurus loves the Scorpio’s strength and ability to be tough as well as loving. It allows it the dominant position in sex, to call the shots, to up the expectations to unreachable levels, and in so doing the Taurus discovers that it has so much more to give. The Taurus is too easy with itself and it learns from the Scorpio that pushing ones limits is a good thing.

The Scorpio Lesson:
It is easy for the Scorpio to go too far, it wants to possess all of the Taurus, not just its heart. However, the Scorpio learns that surrendering and accepting is not weakness, it’s a way of removing resistance and this paves the way for real pleasure.

Scorpio + Gemini - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Gemini works when reality is not too harsh and fantasies are not too unrealistic.

Wow Factor:
The first Wow is all illusion because both these signs are very romantic. However, if the Gemini and Scorpio are not afraid to take a risk and face their differences then it could create something lasting. Giving into pleasure is easier for the Scorpio, and it will want the Gemini to do what it does and listen to what it says. But that’s not going to happen. Gemini’s are attracted to the emotional strength of the Scorpio, their inner confidence and ability to hold things in – but they don’t want to be controlled. The Scorpio will reach deep within the Gemini’s heart and challenge it to feel all that it is. If it works they will take each other out of their comfort zones. Together they have the power to create something new that neither could experience alone – now that’s a Wow.

Be Aware:
If responsibility, power and work is all that matters, this will be an unfulfilling relationship, even though they may accomplish a great deal.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio takes life too seriously and when it hooks up with a Gemini, it is reminded of the power of play. Yes, the Scorpio lesson is that life is as much about joy as it is about sorrow. And when you can balance these two things in your life, then happiness is a real possibility.

The Gemini Lesson:
The Gemini is drawn to the Scorpio’s deep dark secrets and emotional power. It sees that ideas without passion are easily lost. Stripped bare of its games and masks, the Gemini knows it must expose its real feelings if it’s going to meet the Scorpio even half way.

Scorpio + Cancer - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Cancer works best when the Cancer is not too passive and the Scorpio is not too controlling.

Wow Factor:
Strong, powerful and obsessive emotions are the source of the Wow in this relationship. The feelings are so intense you can cut them with a knife. The Cancer has found a partner that knows how to use emotions, not as a source of weakness but to gain respect and success. Sexually they can be extremely compatible because both are drawn to what’s taboo or different, and both want to feel spiritually connected to their mate. When they have faith in themselves and each other, then this relationship will be magical. However, the intensity can lead to obsession and control issues, so they need to make sure that love rules.

Be Aware:
This relationship can create anger through control issues; when emotions are held in instead of shared they create frustration and separation.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio is attracted to the shyness of the Cancer and their sensitive and supportive nature. Scorpio’s need to trust and the Cancer is loyal. The cautious nature of the Cancer teaches the Scorpio to respect its partner’s boundaries for the truth is they both need time to open up. Without the Cancer’s caution, the Scorpio would rush ahead and destroy trust.

The Cancer Lesson:
The Cancer discovers as it interweaves its heart and soul with its Scorpio partner that it doesn’t have to be afraid of its feelings, it has to use them to serve its beliefs and its love. The Cancer learns that emotions have power when we own them all and we do that by removing our judgments

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Scorpio + Leo - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Leo works best when the Scorpio’s negativity and need for control doesn’t diminish the confidence and positive attitude of the Leo.

Wow Factor:
There are issues such as control and judgment that may keep this union from happening easily, but when it does work the Wow factor comes through sex and passion. The Leo is confident in the bedroom, but this is the Scorpio’s home – they rule the house of sex! The Scorpio’s upper hand comes from a lack of shame, their ability to push limits and to not feel badly about being selfish. The Leo still wants to be seen as a good person, the Scorpio really doesn’t care. They don’t allow others to define them and certainly not through their primal need for pleasure. It’s a bit frightening to experience such freedom, but it’s also a turn-on. If these two don’t destroy each other, it could be an interesting relationship – at least in bed.

Be Aware:
Both the Leo and Scorpio hold in their feelings and emotions and so unless communication is good, this union will not work well.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio learns from everyone and everything it does, in some ways it’s a sponge, as sensitive on the outside as it is tough on the inside. What it learns from the Leo is that being in the light and appearing positive and upbeat doesn’t mean that inside you are not filled with sadness or depth. Through seeing the division in the Leo it learns the importance of showing a positive side of itself. Both exist, so both need an equal place in ones life

The Leo Lesson:
Sharing lust with a Scorpio could change anyone’s life, but it teaches the Leo that guilt, shame and embarrassment only allow others to control you, real power comes from owning all of yourself. Thus, in order for the Leo to enjoy the sexual nature of the Scorpio it must let go and be free.

Scorpio + Virgo - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Virgo works best when both signs have a common purpose and a sense of service so that their strength is not just a quest for money and power.

Wow Factor:
This is not the easiest union; it is like two generals meeting on neutral terms to size each other up. The Wow factor happens when one or both decides to take the ride and surrender. These two will not just roll in the hay, they’ll make it into bails and sell it too. They are productive, they turn everything into something that is useful both inside and out – and that includes their partner. It will not just be about love and pleasure, so make sure you understand what they really expect from you, and if that’s okay with you, then enjoy!

Be Aware:
These two are ambitious in their own ways, and so they need to discover a way to support each other rather than compete, that is, if it’s going to work.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio wants to dominate or be dominated, just like the Virgo. So once they work out whose in charge let the games begin! Sex may seem like a wrestling match to an observer, but the Virgo will make sure there is a soul connection. The Scorpio learns from the Virgo that you don’t have to overpower someone for a spiritual connection to be made or to have lasting power.

The Virgo Lesson:
The Virgo has met its match, and then some. When it comes to sex they make take turns being on top, if not the Virgo will get tired of holding itself back and responding the way it is told; when this happens there could be a revolution. The Virgo learns that no one should have all the say and power; everyone needs to participate for something to really work

Scorpio + Libra - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Libra works best when there is a common vision to take the intensity and focus off the relationship so that it can survive. .

Wow Factor:
There’s charm oozing from the pores of both parties here and so together they make a dynamic couple to the world. However, in the quiet of their one-on-one moments; it could be another story. When whose in control is not an issue, when appearances takes second place to love, then the heart connection will be powerful, the passion strong, and commitment easy. In fact, it’s all or nothing. These two either become the center of the other's world or it’s not really going to happen. There is a sixth sense here that allows them to read the desires and wishes of each other and in so doing fulfill them without a pause or having to ask. This attunement is a plus and a Wow when control is out of the way.

Be Aware:
This relationship is either superficial or very deep; if they have to ask them self the question which it is, they already know the answer.

The Scorpio Lesson:
Intense and passionate the Scorpio takes the smallest slights seriously and this puts a strain on most relationships. However, with the Libra’s energy so loving and calm, it is able to soothe the psyche of the Scorpio with truth and adoration. Thus, their lesson is one of forgiveness; understand the intention and if its good then forgive, and in so doing achieve intimacy and a deeper love.

The Libra Lesson:
To be loved for all that you are is something a Libra never thought it would find. However, in the arms and passion of the Scorpio it experiences just that. When the Scorpio loves, it is all consuming ant that means ever bump and embarrassment you thought you had, is appreciated and found sexy. Thus the Libra learns to trust and let go, knowing that nothing will surprise the Scorpio.

Scorpio + Scorpio - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Scorpio works best when they respect each other's needs and space, rather than one person taking the lead.

Wow Factor:
It takes a Scorpio to make a Scorpio happy. Trying to own all of one's emotions, that is cope with sensitivity and toughness, intense intimacy and distance, controlling behavior and emotional dependency and yes there’s the passion, or should I say an obsession with sex. It’s all there and who better than another Scorpio to understand the diverse needs of a fellow member of their sign. When it works, there is a big Wow. If there is a common vision and shared values, good communication and respect for differences then the magic is there.

Be Aware:
The ego is strong or nonexistent in the Scorpio, so they either want all the control and attention or they’re willing to give it away or just not embrace life with any sort of motivation. Without a spiritual base, this sign is trouble.

The Scorpio Lesson:
When a Scorpio meets itself, it realizes just how demanding and intense it can be. It is not until they wrestle with another person of equal power that they see and admire their own insatiable lust, their persistent drive, their desire for perfection and their eye for the exquisite. With so much going on all the time, it is often difficult for others to keep up.

Scorpio + Sagittarius - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Sagittarius works best when the Scorpio is not all negative and the Sagittarius is not all positive. When this happens the relationship is polarized instead of integrated.

Wow Factor:This union can create a power couple, one that makes an impact on the world. The issue is emotions, if they are owned, then happiness and balance is possible; if they are repressed in the quest for power, then this couple could be successful, but they won’t have personal satisfaction. If they share a common goal, then there should be a big Wow. When they support each other sex is fabulous, if they don’t, then it is a struggle to see who can dominate the other. And so cooperation and awareness is the key here.

Be Aware:
Both signs have strong defense mechanisms against emotional demands and intimacy. This works until one person grows and wants more.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio feels the power of its emotions and embraces this part of itself during sex. However, it notices that the Sagittarius is also strong but for a different reason – the mind has the power in this sign. When it demands emotions from the Sagittarius, it receives them but is then able to return to being detached. The Scorpio realizes that it doesn’t have to hold on to its feelings in order to use them or call them forth.

The Sagittarius Lesson: A Sagittarius is attracted to the mystery and power of the Scorpio. The Sadge wants to extract the essence of the Scorpio’s mind, body and soul and understand the secrets of its heart. However, without information, without a moment of weakness or vulnerability, there is no way to get inside. Thus the Sadge learns that if you can’t be vulnerable you can’t fall in love.

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Scorpio + Capricorn - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Capricorn works best when both signs are not stuck in the past and focused on what is missing in their life.

Wow Factor:
The Wow factor is directly tied to the amount of freedom these two are capable of commanding in their lives. If they live by the rules of others, this will never work. However, if they have set their spirits free, by doing the work they love, taking risks, and pitting themselves against great challenges with faith, then this could be an intense, loyal and loving relationship. When they love, they give their all and they are open to receiving it in return. Each of them has big intimacy and abandonment issues and if coming together doesn’t make them run; then it could work. Sex could be incredible when there is trust and passion, because they are each lusty and eager to do it all. So it will either be the best thing that ever happened to them, or it won’t happen at all.

Be Aware:
Strength only works when it is respected in other people and not just in oneself. Control is an issue here. If they can share the control then this may work.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio is afraid to truly trust when it comes to love. Capricorns, on the other hand, have the ability to go for what they want in the moment or they postpone desires forever. The Scorpio learns that it doesn’t have to wait for the intensity to build up by resisting life and love; instead it can take the risk, face its fear and meet the moment with body, mind and spirit.

The Capricorn Lesson:
Capricorn’s love to pretend that they are independent and don’t really need anyone – not that different from a Scorpio. However, when the Scorpio falls in love, they become like putty in the hands of their lover. This ability to move from strength to sweetness, has always been an issue for a Capricorn, but once it has an example, it follows without resistance.

Scorpio + Aquarius - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Aquarius works best when the Scorpio doesn’t try and control the Aquarius and the Aquarius doesn’t attempt to eliminate the loneliness of the Scorpio through giving them unconditional love.

Wow Factor:
There is a strong connection through suffering and loneliness in this relationship. Sound unattractive .. not at all. We all have painful experiences and no one with whom we can share them. When these two hit it off, they heal each other as well as have wild, passionate sex. Both are drawn to those who have been hurt through anger, injustice and isolation. Both have big hearts, and so when they fall in love the world moves and their magic merges. They are able to take the pain and turn it into joy. Now that’s alchemy and it gets a big Wow.

Be Aware:
If the Scorpio is closed down emotionally and the Aquarius is too invested in rescue rather than a real relationship, then this union won’t work. They could also become angry and rebellious toward each other and turn this into a destructive relationship.

The Scorpio Lesson:
The Scorpio is surprised that the Aquarius, who seems so light-hearted, has so much passion. Who would know? As the Scorpio is drawn into the magic and wisdom of the Aquarian aura, it learns that one can be mentally strong, have fun and still express a depth of feeling strong enough to shatter walls that block love.

The Aquarius Lesson:
The Aquarius can be too open and trusting and so its encounter with a Scorpio is an eye opener. There is something sexy and strong when there is mystery in a relationship, when there is a call to explore the complex psyche of another. Sex becomes a form of discovery and not just a place to give and take. Thus the Aquarius learns the power of not revealing everything at once.

Scorpio + Pisces - Works Best When:
Scorpio plus Pisces works best when emotions don’t turn into a continuous competition of whose life has more drama.

Wow Factor:
There is a sense of belonging, of knowing each other before, and that comfort zone has a big Wow factor because they feel the connection instantly. They may find that their partner is very different from them and that accepting them into their life is a challenge. Which will it be -- their image or love? When this works there is an addictive or obsessive side. It’s great if they both feel the same way, and terrible if they don’t. Either way the need to let go in love is a challenge. Sex can be incredibly passionate or over-controlled. If both parties know how to surrender to love then it will be an experience of ecstasy, and if both are defensive or controlling, then the experience turns into torture. So they should learn the lessons before they kiss, otherwise they’ll get hooked before common sense can save them. And we all know how painful that is.

Be Aware:
It is easy for these two to be in love and not be able to handle all the diverse emotions that get stirred up from their union. Both parties need strength and a sense of self for this to work.

The Scorpio Lesson:
These two have many similarities, but the battle for supremacy is won by the one that can let go. The Pisces has an easier time with this because; it is less invested in controlling others, and more concerned about itself. The Scorpio learns from the Pisces that when feelings are out of the way, common sense is easy to access.

The Pisces Lesson:
The Pisces is so adaptable it is quickly reminded in the arms of a Scorpio how sexy it is to stand up for what you believe to be true. The Scorpio never listens to what others say. Thus, the Pisces feels the power of the Scorpio and knows it comes from being clear and unafraid of what it truly wants. Thus the Pisces learns to define and refine its desires.