Jupiter In Scorpio 2017 - 2018

The King of the Gods Jupiter, is about to enter the sign of Scorpio on October 11 2017, and it’s staying there till November 2018!

It would be quite handy for you to understand which house in your chart is it falling in so you can use the energy wisely. This article helps you understand the energy of Jupiter in Scorpio according to its house.

How Jupiter Transit in Scorpio (2017-2018) will affect you!

Every year, mighty Jupiter, the largest and luckiest planet in the Solar System, changes from one sign to the next, luring us into new and foreign territory and bringing us plenty of opportunities to expand our views and our boundaries.

Jupiter’s entrance into the intense, secretive sign of Scorpio on October 10, 2017 marked the beginning of a thirteen-month period of exploring and confronting the complex mysteries of life and death, as well as the dark canyons deep within us. Jupiter has taken the plunge in search of wisdom, truth, and untapped resources that have been lurking in the shadows. We can use this probing, investigative energy to understand and heal buried issues that we have been rejecting.

The magnetism and healing power of Jupiter in Scorpio is a powerful force for change. It has the strength to move us through this alchemical process of transforming something from the deepest recesses of our being and ascending beyond our present state of consciousness.

Scorpio, you’re currently the cosmic favorite, and you are in a position to achieve life-changing breakthroughs and make promising new beginnings. You’re unstoppable now!

Jupiter also shows favor to the signs of Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, and Virgo by presenting similar opportunities for assistance, financial gain, leadership and personal achievement, rewards and recognition, increased powers of intuition, and the strengthening of metaphysical or religious beliefs. This easy flowing, fortunate energy must be consciously activated, though, so these opportunities don’t pass by unnoticed.

Jupiter’s 13-month transit through the fixed sign of Scorpio can be stressful for the other fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo). Unless there is optimum control of the appetites and behavior, complications can arise from sensual pursuits, obsessive or manipulative behavior, devious money tactics, overly-ambitious actions, overdoing and overestimating what is possible, or extreme craving for control and misuse of power.

The first few months of this cycle can be particularly challenging for the fixed signs. Problems and issues must be addressed, and old ways of doing things must change. This demands right action, a change of perspective, digging deeper to understand the greater meaning of who you are, and the elimination of stubborn, self-defeating attitudes. It is a frustrating few months for the fixed signs, but patience and effort can bring extraordinary achievements!

For all signs, this mixture of energies can be either beneficial or damaging, depending on the motivations behind the application of Jupiter’s abundant blessings and good fortune and Scorpio’s considerable insight and power.

On the positive side, we can choose to use this energy to tap into our inner wealth and spiritual power for the good of all. At its most negative extreme, greedy lust for outer wealth and power can lead to the exploitation of others. Free will permits us to choose the Jupiter in Scorpio energy for better or for worse. If we navigate this alchemical process wisely, an important segment of our lives will be purged, purified, and transformed by the time Jupiter exits Scorpio in November 2018.

If you have Jupiter in Scorpio natally this will mean that you are having your Jupiter return, and whichever house it falls under, you will notice the changes to be greatly magnified (usually a great improvement) more than others who do not have Jupiter in Scorpio natally.

For more insight think back to October 26, 2005 to November 23, 2006, the last time Jupiter was in Scorpio – what was happening in your life then?

Now onto the houses!

Sometimes Jupiter would be transiting 2 of your houses, you will notice the change once Jupiter hits the house cusp. It would be suitable to read the info on both houses.

Jupiter in the 1st House (Scorpio Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

This means you are Scorpio or late degree Libra rising. You have probably been receiving alot of compliments on your looks!! And it is most likely a compliment that is related to you losing or gaining some weight. Jupiter in the 1st makes you look very attractive. If you are considering changing your hairstyle or attire, this can be a very good time to do it. But be careful of over eating!

Jupiter in the 2nd House (Libra Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

Did you receive some nice amount of money or gifts recently? If you didn’t, expect to do so soon! This is a really nice transit for your business, and lucky you! Money and nice gifts will continue to flow smoothly for about a year (unless there are some malefic planets/opposing aspects, you can ask me for this one!). Just make sure you save some of the money you are getting now, since the cardinal climax is shaking up everything in our world, including finances.

Jupiter in the 3rd House (Virgo Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

If you are learning something now, it is a good time to research it further, and even find a teacher to develop your understanding some more. Also, if you are writing a book, a report or articles, its a good time to be focused on writing and you will be able to accomplish lots. Good time to get in touch and bond with your siblings.

Jupiter in the 4th House (Leo Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

How are things going in your home? This can be a good time to bond with your family, and host some family reunions, peferably large ones including grandparents and clan. If you are having some financial trouble, you can ask your family for some aid and there’s a great chance of them helping you out effectively. This is also a nice time to beautify the house with paintings and flowers, do some home improvements, add decorations and so forth. You may feel like you want to spend much more time at home. Can also indicate a new home altogether, especially abroad.

Jupiter in the 5th House (Cancer Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

Excellent time for artistic endevour. Even if you don’t normally do art/music, it’s a nice time to take some classes, or try drawing or striking a tune or singing by yourself. Try to have all the fun you can have, but beware of lavishly spending money on things you dont need. Nice time to find really good deals and bargain. I believe this transit could increase your chances of winning any lottery like competition, and getting lots of discounts or things for free. Also sparks up your romantic life (if you have one), and may attract a new lover to you.

Jupiter in the 6th House (Gemini Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

Makes you more likely to receive a promotion at work, and hopefully make things more pleasant and slow them down in the work place. This is another house that makes one prone to adding more weight (and they are so many with Jupiter in Scorpio!!).

Jupiter in the 7th House (Taurus Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

If you are single and looking for someone, this could be a great time for meeting someone very charming! If you already have a partner/spouse, things can be spiced up between you. I suggest giving a gift of fine taste to your significant other, or taking them out for a nice date or dinner. Also a good time to practise art or do something artistic, such as attending music shows or art galleries, try to do that preferably with your significant other.

Jupiter in the 8th House (Aries Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

Can increase your finances greatly, especially if you work in banking/business management fields. Might bring you some sort of inheritence as well as increase your sexual drive. Can also make you tempremental, so try to be aware of it. Can make you very focused and gives you great intensity to work really hard and get things done.

Jupiter in the 9th House (Pisces Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

Jupiter is in its ruling house here. Increases the chances of travelling! Great if you are thinking about taking a long vacation abroad. Also a wonderful time to further your education, as well as do some very deep reflecting and research. Could be a good time to get a master’s or PHD, as well as enrolling in classes that you have always wanted to take. May bring a new person into your life that plays the role of the teacher, and would very likely be from a different cultural background.

Jupiter in the 10th House (Aquarius Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

Creates great chances for advancements in career, especially if you have been working very hard for a long time and did not receive the acknowledgement you deserve. Expect a very favorable promotion. Also makes you appear more attractive in the eyes of others. If you want to change your job, or ask for a promotion, this is a good time.

Jupiter in the 11th House (Capricorn Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

If you have online business, expect it to flourish (if it hasn’t already)!! Great time to advertise for your goods online and joining a new community or club, also meeting new friends and people from different backgrounds (try not to be too judgemental). Try to get online more often as opportunities will be revealing themselves digitally. Also try to participate in contests online. Try to develop your friendships into something stable without being to clingy, give material gifts/food to friends to express your appreciation. Your friends can be of great material help to you, they will probably help you without you asking, if not and you are in material problems, asking them can work.

Jupiter in the 12th House (Sagittarius Sun Sign or Rising Sign)

May receive good news from places you never expect. The “blessing in disguise” transit. It’s a time to invest in yourself privately and quietly. Take some time alone to meditate and get in touch with your spiritual side as this is a very spiritual transit. You can find a spiritual teacher to help you further understand metaphysics. Jupiter rules religious ritual and the 12th house rules spirituality, so maybe you would want to light up some candles or create atmospheric change during your meditative time, that would help you reach deeper thoughts.