Scorpio Born on November 22

Scorpios born on November 22 barely made the cut into Scorpio Season. In fact, it all depends on their exact time of birth. Similarly to the October 23 Scorpios, these Scorpios are cusp babies, absorbing the energies of both Scorpio and Sagittarius into their complex and dynamic personalities.

These Scorpios demonstrate that they possess the physical stamina of Sagittarius, and the spiritual wisdom of the more introverted Scorpios, making them the best of both worlds.

If you were born on November 22, you have a very strong and stubborn personality. People tend to follow your lead, because even if you are not quite sure of what you are doing, you do it with confidence and assertiveness. You know how to both play the system and play your own rules, and this allows you to outsmart your competitors without making them realize how far ahead of the game you are. You are witty, sarcastic, spontaneous and remarkably intelligent.

You love connecting with those around you and merging with them, but you also always fiercely protect your individuality and freedom. You do not like to feel stifled, coddled or clung on to. You want to have the freedom to spread your wings, explore whatever your heart desires, and then come back to your loved ones to tell them of your adventures. Ideally, your social group is full of equally adventurous and risk-taking people, not only physically but also emotionally and personally.
November 22 Scorpios thrive in action-oriented careers such as sports, or those which allow them to exercise their mental muscles, such as politics, law or education. Full of strong opinions and an ability to say things as they are, these Scorpios are a breath of fresh air when it comes to how hopeful they can be. However there will always be a part of November 22 Scorpios which remains locked away in their Scorpio world, and no one will ever fully know who they are. This blend of being open and being mysterious makes November 22 Scorpios extremely intriguing creatures, full of sexuality and charm.

Scorpios born on November 22

Usually, people born between October 23 and November 21 have Scorpio as their sun sign, because that is the Zodiac sign where the sun was at their birth. But it differs a little from year to year, because of the leap years.

If you were born on the 22nd of November, you have to check if you're really a Scorpio or not. The start of Scorpio must be within the 23rd of October, and the end of it between the 21st and 22nd of November. People born on other dates need not be concerned.

*You need to check with the Zodiac Sign Calculator Birth Chart Calculator or your exact horoscope, because on those dates it depends on what time of day you were born - and in what place. i