Are all Scorpio women and men alike in dating?

The astrology books say that Scorpios are secretive, intense, manipulative, dark, sexy creatures. But to rely on this simplistic characterization is to enter the dating world without being fully equipped. One of the dangers of relying on Sun sign astrology is that the Sun doesn’t have all that much to do with courtship and seduction. Yes, it symbolizes one’s core identity and mode of self-expression. But, in fact, a Scorpio’s Venus sign will tell you much more about how he or she acts in a budding relationship.

Astrology Venus In The Sign
It is easy to figure out a date’s Sun sign just by asking for his† birth date. But many people new to astrology don’t realize that each planet in the solar system represents a different aspect of our astrological make-up. Venus was somewhere in the sky when you were born, and an astrologer would note its position in the zodiac just as she would note the position of the Sun.

In astrology, Venus represents our values, our sensuality and appreciation of beauty, our desire to express affection and love. This planet does not travel far from the Sun — venturing out no further than 48 degrees from our shining star along the Sun’s path (ecliptic) — and since each zodiac sign contains 30 degrees, Venus will never be more than two zodiac signs away from one’s Sun. This means that a Scorpio can only have Venus in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn.

Polarity: You Can Have a Masculine Venus!

We often have personal planets that are incompatible with our own Sun signs. No wonder we sometimes feel we don’t act in our own best interests! A simple way of breaking down all the zodiac signs is by looking at their polarity. All signs are either masculine or feminine. This is not to be confused with male and female — we all have both archetypal energies within ourselves. Air and Fire signs are masculine because they are extroverted; their purpose is to share inspiration and ideas with others. Water and Earth signs are feminine because they are introverted; their purpose is to go within, to conserve resources and explore inner consciousness. So a Scorpio Sun may feel more comfortable with his own Venus sign if the love planet is in a feminine sign (Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn).

Scorpio Sun With Venus in Virgo or Capricorn

Scorpio has such strong feelings that he often retreats behind mystery or aloofness to protect himself. He is a Water sign, after all, and behind those pincers is someone who doesn’t want to be hurt. With Venus in Earth, he approaches love with caution. Scorpio is pragmatic about choosing a partner, assessing their flaws or income-earning ability or willingness to settle down and commit. If a date passes Scorpio’s Venus in Earth tests — Are you reliable? Will you pay the bills on time? — then he can feel safe enough to let her in.

Scorpio Sun With Venus in Libra or Sagittarius

It can be a challenge to be a naturally inward-oriented person who best expresses affection by being outgoing. Venus in Libra thrives on conversation and traditionally romantic escapades, whereas Venus in Sagittarius likes to be funny and adventurous. Dating a Scorpio with one of these Venus signs may be confusing, for your date may alternate between being broody/withdrawn and cheery/playful. You might be wrong in assuming that he doesn’t like you. After a fun excursion, he simply may need to retreat to inhabit his world of feelings. You are best off respecting his different impulses, instead of expressing needy insecurity about how much he loves you.

Scorpio Sun With Venus in Scorpio
Well, you better know what you’re getting into! This Scorpio’s behaviors will adhere the most to your expectations.

Comment Below: Share your experiences dating Scorpios with varying Venus signs.