How Scorpios get over breakups

You know that deep, dark hole you dig after you’ve been dumped? Where you stew in the juices of your resentment and despair for months and months? Well, the first hole of despondency was dug by a Scorpio.

In a relationship, Scorpio explores every nook and cranny of the intimate space shared by two people — sometimes even looking into recesses for which her partner has not granted her access.

As a result, Scorpio knows her partner really well, and if she’s gotten to the point where she trusts him, Scorpio is not willing to let him go. So when the day comes that she gets dumped, Scorpio goes into one of two modes. She withdraws into her own private hell, or she gets even.

You know that saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” That surely must be about a Scorpio. Because she has all the dirt on her ex, she is willing to bring it to the light of day, or at least manipulate him into staying so that she will keep his secrets safe.

And Scorpio’s private hell … she can live there a while, commingling with her demons, brooding over past wrongs. However, Scorpio is the sign of transformation — after she has burned through her resentments, she will be a new person. She may tread lightly the next time a man shows interest in her, but she will bring a deeper insight into her own process. This latter option is preferable; revenge may be sweet, but it leaves a bitter aftertaste.