Who Is Most Compatible with Scorpio?

Astrological compatibility within the zodiac boils down to two key factors: triplicity and quadruplicity.

Scorpio's quadruplicity is fixed and his triplicity is found in the water element. These two characteristics will determine which elements match well with Scorpio's nature and the specific sign within these elements that matches him best.

Scorpio's Elemental Matches

Water signs are adaptive, emotionally driven, and highly intuitive.
Where only the elements are concerned, a water sign like Scorpio:
  • Matches ideally with other water signs 
  • Can be compatible with earth signs 
  • Has difficulty understanding the nature of air signs 
  • Completely clashes with fire signs 
Zodiac Signs Compatibility, Scorpio
These principles are very important when discerning Scorpio's compatibility because they outline the energetic forces at play within the zodiac. Compatibility is based on both attraction and understanding. Occasionally the triplicity will come into play within two signs that have no elemental compatibility. However, without elemental understanding, this attraction will soon fizzle in the face of a greater clash of core values.

This also depicts why Scorpio succeeds with his water brethren. A Scorpio will feel at home with Cancers and Pisces, and other Scorpios as well. These three signs share the same elemental energy, one that is deep and introspective.

Compatibility Table

The Fixed Factor

Although signs within the same element match best with each other, quadruplicities do not follow the same laws. For this reason, Scorpio tends to match better with Cancer and Pisces than he does with another Scorpio. This is because Scorpio is a fixed sign, and fixed signs are deeply rooted, intense, and can be very stubborn. The unmovable nature of a fixed sign can be overwhelming when partnered with a like-minded individual. Such similarities may inhibit relationship growth as well as the personal growth of each partner.

The intuitive and domestic nature of Cancer (a cardinal sign) can be healing to an intense and brooding sign like Scorpio. Likewise, Pisces (mutable) is a slightly less serious sign than Scorpio and can provide the relationship with some much needed optimism.

Incorrect Compatibility Theories

There have been some astrological theories involving zodiac opposites that lead people to believe that the polar opposite of one's zodiac sign actually represents an ideal match. In Scorpio's case, this ideal partner would be Taurus.

There are numerous reasons why such theories are incorrect, but the most glaring would be that of elemental understanding. Though earth and water signs can complement each other in that they do not inherently clash, these are still two completely different elements. A fixed sign like Scorpio requires a partner outside his own quadruplicity. Unfortunately, Taurus is also a fixed sign--and a fixed earth sign to boot. Taurus is notorious for his stubborn attitude and his need for emotional stability. Scorpio's emotional needs are far different. Whereas Taurus aims for status quo, Scorpio must delve into the very depths of his soul on a daily basis. Passion, intensity, and truth at any cost are values that define a Scorpio.

Though Taurus can provide Scorpio with a stable domestic environment, it truly takes a water sign to fuel and soothe Scorpio's emotional unrest.

Further Considerations

Scorpio isn't just found within the sun signs. This zodiac sign can infiltrate any of the planets and houses in a natal chart. If an individual's natal chart is Scorpio-dominant, this person will partner best with a chart-dominant Cancer or Pisces. The nuances of natal charts can be intimidating to those newly acquainted with astrology, so it is best to consult a professional astrologer where chart compatibility is concerned.

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