Scorpio and Cancer - Love Compatibility

Scorpio and Cancer interact on a highly intuitive and subjective level.
They often understand what each other wants or needs based on the way they look at one another.
Many unspoken vibes are shared between them both, emotionally strengthening their relationship.

Cancer appreciates Scorpio’s loyalty, dependability, and commitment to the partnership. Cancer is able to understand Scorpio’s deep need for privacy, and is always there for them to return to after periods of isolation. Cancer seeks a strong and reliable partner to spill their secrets to, and Cancer often feels as though they have found one in Scorpio.

Scorpio loves the fact that Cancer is a shelter they can always turn to - a spiritual haven. Cancer is tied to domesticity and their home. Cancer loves making their home comfortable, warm, and welcoming for Scorpio. Their family, friends and loved ones are Cancer’s utmost priority. Cancer will often put Scorpio’s needs above their own, and is an excellent counselor. Cancer has a selfless heart and is naturally willing to help Scorpio during their most challenging moments.

As Water signs, both of Scorpio and Cancer bond very intensely to those they love. They can be very controlling, particularly Scorpio. Luckily in this case, neither Scorpio nor Cancer are likely to be turned-off by this behavior because they both openly exhibit it. Cancer and Scorpio feel comforted knowing that their partner is as emotionally attached as they are. Cancer is prone to being more moody than Scorpio. Although Scorpio is understanding, she can also be confused by Cancer’s sudden shifts in mood, and Scorpio may lose their patience with Cancer.

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Scorpio is more willing to express the complete extremes of their passionate emotions. That means when Cancer gets offended or hurt they may become angry or aggressive. Cancer has a much more passive-aggressive response when they feel frustrated — they tend to withdraw into his shell. Cancer is so intuitive that they can often sense when something is wrong with Scorpio, even if Scorpio does not outwardly express it to Cancer. This makes Scorpio feel understood in a world where they are so often misunderstood.