The Scorpio Child Traits, Personality & Characteristics

Scorpio Child: Traits, Personality & Characteristics

  • You’ll want to take your vitamins and strap in for the ride.
  • You are now hurtling towards the realms of complicated parenting.
  • On second thought, who are we kidding here?
Pour yourself an adult beverage. It’ll take the sting out of the forthcoming, well, stings.

First, this fiery star sign has a spooky knack for reading people accurately. Scorpio’s are the most psychic of all the 12 zodiac signs. If you’re not certain of the truth, see how your bairn responds to a person or situation and watch their Spidey Senses in action.

Scorpio kids are so clairvoyant that when he/she tells you they were just talking to great granny (who died before they were born) pay attention. They are likely not making it up.

A child born under this zodiac sign is incredibly smart (genius runs rampant with this lot) and adoring, but they also have a greedy and sometimes down-right scary spiteful side.

Their reactions to, well, everything, can prove quite surprising/shocking and create chaos wherever they are. However, this is because emotions run extraordinarily deep with Water Signs. Whereas others can let things ‘roll off their back’, the Scorpio Child feels every single word and deed in the farthest reaches of their soul.

It can be very helpful to understand that the extreme emotional highs and lows are an intrinsic part of any Scorpio but magnified a hundredfold during childhood.

To best help your Scorpio child navigate their self-created maelstroms, put your life jacket on first and ride the waves with them. Meaning, Scorpio children have no fear so can’t be controlled with such. Scorpio kids respond best to unconditional love.

Remember, the Scorpio’s ruling planet is Mars so admonishments are gauntlets thrown down and even the youngest Scorpion will stand their ground. When it comes time to be firm, come from a place of love rather than dominance and there will be far less drama in your household.

It’s hard for a Scorpio child (or adult for that matter) to forgive anything they consider an indiscretion. Scorpio children have a higher tendency to want revenge than adults whose life experiences have tempered their tails a bit. They would just as soon walk away from a life-long friend after an argument as try to find a solution. It’s all or nothing with these children, which means being very consistent in your upbringing (believe us – the Scorpio child is an expert at loopholes).

No matter what, the parent of a Scorpio must always be honest – not one little fib as they are very slow to trust even the most beloved of people. The Scorpio child will never respond well to the ol’ “Do as I say, not as I do” routine. Think of this as “show and tell” – act the way you want your child to act.

Remain active and hands on with your child and speak to them at a level their intelligence deserves. The Scorpio child will not shy away from hugs and other shows of love – in fact they benefit from it. This improves their self-confidence as well as becoming more secure in the family unit.

Remember, however, that Scorpios are not as demonstrative as some other signs. Much of what they think and feel may remain a secret until they are ready to share.

That being said (don’t shoot the messenger) the Scorpio sign is perhaps best known for its sex drive. The Scorpio child is likely to be drawn to sexual exploration earlier than any other zodiac sign. In this, and given their natural proclivity for secrecy, working to keep the lines of communication open as regards intimacy can help keep your preteen, tween or teen safer than they might be if left entirely to their own devices and, uh, vices.

It’s probably time for that second drink, huh?

The Scorpio Girl

Scorpio girls have a strong drive focused on the future. What is it that your daughter wants to be when she grows up? No matter what, she’ll crave the tools to support that goal. Oh, certainly, that aim may change with age, but the determination remains and rewires itself for the next great quest.

Your daughter will typically have a tendency to keep things private. That can make open communication difficult. Sometimes you need to reveal aspects of yourself in order to get that peek into their mind and spirit. This tenacity for hiding things often translates into games like hide and seek – they’ll love it! And if you ever want a secret kept, tell it to a Scorpio. It makes them feel trusted, and feeds that need for concealment.

You may find that your Scorpio daughter is a bit of a night owl. That means providing her with a bedtime routine that creates sleep hygiene. This will not be easy. Scorpios thrive on the darkness, believing that they will find all manner of things waiting for them there. As they grow, this explorative nature turns into questioning. These will not be the simple parental questions either. Hint: if you honestly don’t know an answer, say so but then find out a factual answer for them later, otherwise their imagination will run amok.

The sensitivity level for a Scorpio child knows no boundaries. Your daughter may cling to painful things, not wanting the world to see those inner tears. Do whatever you can to help her release those emotions, particularly as they grow into teens. By the way, dad, get that shotgun ready – your daughter is going to attract interested suitors because of her mysterious nature. The allure of the Scorpio is hard for even strong parents to overcome, so be prepared to challenge yourself to get past the surface of your daughter’s dallying.

The Scorpio Boy 

Male Scorpios love to dominate the family. This child has great strength, good health and a fair amount of aggressiveness that needs taming before that first black eye. It is very important that parents teach the male Scorpio child to respect authority and the art of being a good looser. Both of these characteristics require a lot of on-going consistency from mom and dad, but helps the Scorpio throughout their life, not just childhood bumps.

The Water nature of Scorpio means that parents have to balance stricture with on-going shows of affection. Without that the Scorpio withdraws even further into his shell. By comparison, when given uniform strictures and plenty of love, the Scorpio boy typically responds with honesty and frankness.

Boy Scorpios, particularly teens, have a strong sense of territory. When he needs to think, he will go to his room and use that space to process life. Don’t go into that sanctuary unbidden or without respect for what it represents. This is his “cave” where the Scorpio can get away from too much input (sensory overload is hard on them).

Scorpio boys have some traits in common with girls. They want the truth, and expect promises kept. Unless you have a very good reason for breaking your “code” with your son – stick to it like glue. As young men, they’re as attractive to others as the Scorpio girl, and should receive some grass-roots talks about sexual responsibility so that companions don’t turn into trophies. i

Scorpio Facts & Metaphysical Associations
  • Scorpio Dates: October 23- November 21
  • Scorpio Symbol: The Scorpion
  • Key Phrase: “I Desire”
  • Scorpio Planet: Pluto (Mars)
  • Scorpio Birthstone: Opal (October); Citrine (November)