Scorpio and Pisces - Love Compatibility

Traditionally, Scorpio and Pisces are astrological soul mates. Both are deeply emotional, intuitive, sensitive, and loving. It is both the similarities and differences in which they express their love which draws these two together like magnets. Upon uniting, they feel like no one else can understand the depth of their emotions like their lover has.

Astrology Scorpio and Pisces Compatibility, Horoscope
Scorpio tends to be very mysterious, imbued with passion and intensity. This intrigues Pisces and draws them to Scorpio, curiously tickled by Scorpio’s sensual and seductive nature. Scorpio is drawn to Pisces’ kind and warm spirit, which was obvious from the moment Scorpio lay their eyes on Pisces. Pisces looked like someone who would also protect and care for them, and who genuinely cared about Scorpio’s well-being and happiness. With time, Scorpio develops more trust in Pisces than they do in most other human beings. Pisces is able to draw out the goofier, loving, and more care-free side of Scorpio’s nature.

In a Scorpio/Pisces relationship, both signs often feel like they have found someone who understands them without the need for words. This relationship can flow so well that one or both of them may be tempted to stir up trouble just to keep things exciting. But there is no need to worry that things are “too good to be true”… there is a reason they both found each other. They both just “get” each other, and being around each other’s presence is a driving force in both of your lives.

Related Post: Why Scorpio and Aquarius are Attracted to Each Other? 

Scorpio will likely be a dominant force in Pisces’ life. Scorpio likes to take life by the reigns and passionately goes after what they want by trusting their intuition. Pisces is also quite in tune with their inner compass, but they would much rather go with the flow and see where life takes them rather than jump into the next adventure with a set plan. Scorpio helps Pisces add stability and structure to their daily routine, while Pisces helps Scorpio let go of the stress and enjoy the natural chaos of life. Pisces understands the meaning of “go with the flow”, and views the Universe as a complex web of connections waiting to be made. Scorpio and Pisces will enjoy creating and exploring artistic realms with each other, and it is also likely that they will engage in spiritual experiences, be it religion, mediation, tarot cards, yoga, etc…

Scorpio and Pisces complement each other, or rather, they complete each other. There are times when Pisces’ imagination may get the best of them and Scorpio may not understand their overly subjective perspective, but those times are rare. As long as they both keep the lines of communication open and transparent, they should feel mere harmony — for the most part.

Scorpio has a tendency to be possessive and jealous of their lover, but it is in Pisces’ nature to actually enjoy the extra attention they receive from Scorpio. Pisces also gets jealous, but does a better job of hiding it by pretending not to notice. Pisces always shows Scorpio devotion, and that matters a lot to Scorpio because Scorpio cares about action more than words.

As long as Pisces constantly reassures Scorpio of their loyalty and faithfulness, Scorpio will bask in their attention and make them very happy. Pisces and Scorpio both seek each other’s affection more than anything else, because they feel like you have known each other for an eternity, even if they just met recently. A Scorpio/Pisces relationship only grows stronger with time, especially if both signs are able to give each other space. At first they may both be like two peas in a pod, clinging to each other’s hips. However, if they do not spend time apart it will be too easy to get lost in the relationship, and this won’t result in a healthy partnership. Spending time pursuing individual passions will only strengthen your bond in the long-run.

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